Updates RHEM parameterization equations to match Parameterization Equations document reflecting online RHEM version 2.3.įixes bug when parameterizing discretizations with DEM and flow direction rasters in File Geodatabases.įixes bug where tempSoilLut was not queried by PARNAME.įixes bug for batch SWAT simulations related to generating precipitation and using multiple WGN stations.įixes bug for writing SWAT input files where WGN files could be written incorrectly.įixes memory leaks leading to crashes encountered when parameterizing discretizations with thousands of elements. RTE files where incorrect stream lengths were written.įixes bug for importing and viewing NP simulations for SWAT2000 and SWAT2005.įixes bugs in modifying SWAT climate via WGN files. Otherwise, default to c:AGWAlogging.įixes bugs in KINEROS-Opus parameterizations resulting in invalid/incomplete/failed parameterizations.įixes bug in vegetation table when coping RHEM vegetation parameterizations.įixes bug that results in layers in the data frame intermittently not being found due to case sensitivity.įixes bug in SWAT simulation results where start and end dates give a fractional number of years simulated.įixes bug in flow length discretization methodology when used with internal pour points.įixes bug in slope table when copying different KINEROS2 parameterizations.įixes bug in slope table when copying different RHEM parameterizations.įixes bug in disturbance parameterization when polygons fall outside the watershed.įixes bug in disturbance parameterization where KS was not modified correctly based on the modified porosity.įixes bug in SWAT2005. In Burn Severity Tool, add conditional to check if burn severity layer and land cover layer are in the same projectionĬreate errors.txt file next to the MXD document whenever possible to record error logging. Cause is unknown, but replacing the older IBasicGeoprocessor.Dissolve function with the Dissolve tool from ArcToolbox fixes the issue.Īdd support for Complex slope to KINEROS2 batch parameterizations.įixes bug in Burn Severity Tool in ArcGIS 10.6 and newer.įixes bug where mean subwatershed elevation was used instead of minimum and maximum for determination of SWAT elevation bands in SWAT Precipitation.Ĭonverts RasterHydrologyOpClass operations to use the Geoprocessor and the Hydrology toolbox from ArcToolbox. In KINEROS2 Precipitation, the number of time steps input has been changed to time step duration.įixes bug Burn Severity Tool where the burn severity field was hard-coded to "Severity" instead of using the user-defined field.įixes intermittent bug in Delineation. Reset geoprocessing environments when beginning delineation, discretization, parameterization, burn severity, and LCMT forms to ensure environments are not improperly set from previous/other geoprocessing. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.Add new K2/RHEM precipitation distributions that are selectable by spatial query/intersection.Īdd validation to ensure that dataframe and DEM have the same projection.Īdd validation to ensure Current and Scratch workspace environments are file geodatabases. If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the "Mark as Answer" or "Helpful" button at the top of this message. Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think Step 2: If that does not resolve, then manually remove and reinstall.
Download latest acrobar reader and install it successfully. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.ĥ. Select Acrobat products from the list and remove it.Ĥ.
Launch windows installer cleanup utility tool from the start menu.ģ. Download windows installer cleanup utility tool and install it.Ģ. Run windows installer cleanup utility tool to remove existing acrobat contents on the computer.ġ. Step 1: Remove all components or products of acrobat and then try installing.